ABOUT YOU Online Fashion Shop
You can shop from anywhere, anytime, and never miss out on vouchers and offers, while always having your wishlist with you - what are you waiting for?
- Let yourself be inspired by the latest trends
- Discover styles hand-picked by our fashion editors
- Follow the coolest bloggers and celebrities
- Find styles that suit you with just one click
- Get news on topics that interest you every day
- Share your favourite items with your friends
- Keep track of things and add products to your wishlist
- Sync your shopping bag across all your devices
- Search for your favourite brands quickly and easily
- Mydealz Retailer Awards 2019: Top 3 Fashion & Beauty
- INTERNET WORLD BUSINESS Shop-Awards 2017 & 2018 (1st Place: Online Pure Player)
- Retail Technology Awards Europe 2017 (1st place: Best customer experience)
Download the ABOUT YOU app now and shop for your style!
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The following top brands and many more can be found in the ABOUT YOU app:
The North Face, Nike, Vero Moda, Adidas, Only, Naketano, Rieker, Tommy Hilfiger, Guess, Levi's, Boss, Polo Ralph Lauren, Bugatti, Mustang, Diesel, Superdry, Tamaris, Puma, Calvin Klein, Asics, Marco Tozzi
Günstiger, Beslist, Kleding, Fashionchick, Stylight, Stylelounge
Release notes
This version contains bug fixes, new functionalities and various UX improvements.
Happy shopping!
Shopping > Lifestyle
Minimum OS version
iOS 15.0