Oteria - Skin Cancer Check

There's a huge difference between finding skin cancer early or late. Early skin cancer can usually be removed easily without major problems, while late-stage melanoma skin cancer has a low survival rate of under 20%.
We use modern technology in conjunction with skilled doctors to provide you with a quick and as good a response as possible. We will always try to give you an answer within 24 hours.
If you find a risk in one of your skin pictures, or you you want a full-body check done in-person, you can easily book with one of our clinics in the app. The clinics also offer professional skin mark removal by doctors. Prices for the doctor's appointment can be found before booking in the app.
We believe that far too few people regularly check their moles, and we can significantly reduce serious cases and deaths from mole cancer by making mole checks more accessible.
The Services do not constitute healthcare and should not be considered to provide medical advice, care, and/or treatment from qualified healthcare professionals. The Services are solely a technical platform that facilitates communication with healthcare professionals and transmits information. Users can also book appointments via the App and choose to visit healthcare professionals for further examination and professional assessment at their own initiative at one of Oteria’s partner clinics. Therefore, the Services are not covered by the Health Personnel Act or the Patient and User Rights Act. Using the Oteria app alone should not be seen as an alternative to treatment under the Alternative Treatment Act.
The Services should not be understood as a replacement for consultations with qualified healthcare professionals and are not intended for medical emergencies. Users should contact registered healthcare professionals directly for any questions regarding medical conditions and treatment. You should not ignore or delay seeking medical advice based on anything shown or not shown in the Services. If you experience a medical emergency, contact a doctor immediately or call 112 for Norway or the equivalent emergency number in the country you are located in.
Oteria cannot guarantee the accuracy of the Services, and users must understand that the system’s accuracy may vary based on the specific assessment and the current knowledge base the system is built on.
By using the app, you accept Oteria's terms of service. Read more about how we process your personal information in our privacy statement.
You can find our terms and privacy statement here:
The app is meant for use in the Norwegian market.
Release notes
Bug fixes and improvements.
Medical > Health & Fitness
Minimum OS version
iOS 16.0